Voices as clear as a mountain stream, backed up by years of clean honesty, a little madness, and no hint of pretension. First Aid Kit are two teenage girls from Sweden, Johanna and Klara (17 and 15, respectively) have made something wondrously special. This song was recorded in a Swedish forest, see the video here (look at them!!!). I think I like it better than the original, and Fleet Foxes have made some of my favourite music of the year. The darkness, confusion and regret that's in this song, sung with especial urgency in the lines: 'I don't know what I have done, I'm turning myself into a demon...' is especially poignant when sung by such young'ins. You wonder what could have happened to these girls, they seem as old as the forest, and make it all seem so much more than teen angst.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Close to the surface

[from Danse Manatee]
It's the dragging long days, seeing the same people every day, doing the same things, a continous, cold cycle of sameness. There's no feeling, no need to feel, just leeching boredom leaking into everything. Then it's like the sun coming out from behind cloud, passing across your face, warmth on your eyelids. Someone taking your hand and speaking right into your eyes. The reawakening, stretching your limbs, a deep breath, it's alright.
[photosource unknown]
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
In the world

Photos from Pitchfork fest in Chicago in July which I am fully aware is quite old news now. I love looking at pictures of my favourite musicians performing, there's something so dynamic about performance photos, I just can't get enough of them. Speaking of, Brisbanians should also look out for Yeasayer (3/10, The Zoo), Ladytron and Familjen (1/10, The Tivoli) and The New Pornographers (7/10, The Zoo) who are swinging by in the next couple of months, can't wait. MGMT (I know, I know) has also just upgraded venue size for the Sydney and Melbourne shows, might be able to get some tickets this time.
I might post some more festival pictures tomorrow, I have tonnes and this is fun.
Air France who released one of my favourites, No Way Down EP, this year has done a version of 'Sweetness' by Taken by Trees and it's really freaking great. Find it here.
Listen to and watch this lovely live version of my favourite song off Beach House's Devotion - 'Holy Dances':
air france,
beach house,
fleet foxes,
fuck buttons,
gig watch,
live music,
vampire weekend
Monday, August 25, 2008
Anything you want
Of Montreal's album of last year, Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?, was definitely one of my favourites, turning self-hate into dizzying crescendos and hurtful regrets into funky escapisms. This time round of Montreal is sexually overt (possibly naked), seductive and, as usual, witty as all fuck. The introversion and self doubt is not completely gone as the first verse in this new jam is a hesitation, full of eloquent criticisms, however, the indecision is overcome and disregarded during the chorus: 'I can’t help it if its true, don’t wanna be your man, just wanna play with you…'. It feels like an emancipation, embracing a mania and narcissism that is inherent in all of us and the triumph is crazed, glamourous and euphoric. I can't wait for this album, Skeletal Lamping, which you can preorder from Polyvinyl from September 1. I have a feeling it's going to be a favourite like Hissing Fauna but for completely different reasons.
Fantastic Fleetwood Mac cover of 'Everywhere' by Vampire Weekend recorded by Triple J here.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Franziska von Stenglin

Saturday, August 23, 2008
We are always running for the thrill of it

The warm breeze floated through open back doors and lifted the hairs of the back of their necks. Pens and paper were quickly dropped as they ran out of the house to feel the sun warm their skin, feel the first of the approaching summer. They pulled themselves, laughing, higher and higher into an old tree, with no more lure than the beauty.
Empire of the Sun is a collaboration between Australian electronic duo Pnau and Luke Steele from the Sleepy Jackson. This is, at the moment, their only song but it may be my favourite song of the year, pure endorphins, grin magic.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The long way home
French Quarter - Stay
Today was one of those days when it's raining as often as it's sunny. Girls ran from class to class, socks wet and hair curling. No umbrellas because it didn't look like rain this morning. Huddled under shelters but sweating from the closeness. The day was long, but when it was finally over, friends parted with more reluctance than relief. This is definitely one of my favourite songs and is perfect for days like today.
Picture was taken by me at the start of the year.
God, make up your mind

Für Amel - Pink Eyes
Well, it turns out I couldn't wait to get cracking. Two posts in one night! This will most likely never happen again but perhaps it will if I always have something this wonderful to gush about. This song is lovely and very aptly described over at Said the Gramophone as 'stargazing when you stare right at the sun... the way everything looks when you've drunk too much, fallen on your head, stared at the sun... a fuzz that seems to mean something'. Für Amel is the project of one man who makes beautiful music for his wife, Amel. I had never heard this song before today, but I can already feel it making room for me in a story told in dappled sunlight.
Good evening cyberspace

[Image: Marcio Simnch]
So, I've created a blog, probably on the misapprehension that people might care what I have to say, but whatever, this is totally self satisfying. I care about what I say. :)
Student who enjoys the arts, especially music, of the loosely described 'indie' variety.
I'll post songs and pictures of things forming my decisions about life.
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